Welcome Sister


⊙ TBD SUNDAY SEPT 2023 | 15-17:30 | 35,00

This monthly event in full moon is a physical extensions of my love for female empowerment, yoga and sacred sisterhood.

Spots are limited to 5 witches so that we have the space to practice and enough time for massage to develop grace, intuition, sensuality and deep connection to our own bodies.

Reservation Required - send an email: owlmountyoga@gmail.com

Program: Sept 2023, h: 15-17:30

Sacred Opening: Cacao Ceremony

90’ Somatic Yoga + Massage

Meditation: Past Life Regression

Kirtan: Philosophy & Mantras

The Dance of Psyche and Soma

A women’s circle gives women the safe space that they need to exist as who they are and not the role they need to play in this patriarchal society.We Rise Together, for a less competitive and hierarchical, more cooperative and nurturing world.

Letting go of competition amongst women and truly understanding the gifts we each bring into this world, we can literally start healing Mama Earth.


What do we work on?

sharing circle

philosophy and witchcraft lectures

kirtan (harmonium & chanting)

ecstatic dance, yoga & meditation


tarots & oracle reading

mindfulness exercises

cocoa ceremony & vegan treats

moon & outdoor rituals (depending on the weather)

Re-Inhabiting our soma

Transgender women are welcome. A word on this matter.

Circles are inherently inclusive and exclusive at the same time. I chose to host women's circles to focus on exploring what it means to have been born into a female body, and all the conditioning that goes with that. A woman's body is anatomically composed for bringing new life into the world and for nurturing it, and that symbolism is ever-present, even if we do not literally give birth by choice or other circumstances.

Our bodies are not just our individual domain. They have their own mysterious intelligence, holding memories of the younger selves we once were and connecting us with our parents, our ancestors, and the natural world of which they are made of. We might change our body, surgically or otherwise, but we can't discount it altogether because it's our body that has determined the upbringings we have had and shaped our lives.


I grew up tuning into the masculine energy to survive violence, body shaming, sexual assaults, and bullism. At 30ys old, I found myself in a very dark place (burnout, depression, and alike). So darkness I became. Now 38, I embrace my feminine energy, listen to my intuition, trust my womb cycle, and give a massive middle finger to patriarchy.

I believe that a life well-lived is one of jnana (studying) and karma (service), taking care of our planet, and our fellow brothers and sisters. There’s a wound inside all of us. But we know that by aligning ourselves to the medicine of nature, respecting Mother Earth and all its creatures, practicing metta (loving-kindness) and mindful living, we fulfill our Dharma (purpose).


A true Amsterdammer, grew up in the Jordaan, Hilda is an authentic and down to earth free spirit.

Mother, healer, traveler, she has followed many courses, retreats and trainings in the field of yoga, mindfulness, massage and she is a certified yoga therapist and mindfulness coach. 


We come together to do our inner work so we can BE the change we wish to see in the world.

“Gracious Hecate, Sacred Fire We call upon Thee this dark hour Grant us power, wisdom, might As we do Thy will this night.”