Plant-based Diet - where to start
We are what we eat. Cannot be otherwise as we literally absorb what we eat and transform the nutrients to sustain ourselves.
More and more people are waking up and recognizing that eating animal corpses is not cool nor necessary as it was for our hunting ancestors (or for a lion in the savanna starving after days trying to hunt down the damn gazelle).
I’m not a chef, nor a nutritionist. I come from a classic Italian family where food is celebrated more than anything else. I started cooking with my mother and grandmothers when I was a little kid and always cooked my meal since I was in Uni (rarely going out, even more rarely taking-out). I cooked the whole menu for our wedding for more than 40 people attending the party.
I have hundreds of written recipes (passed by my mother or created by me) and a recipe website/android app (all free). Because of those projects I learn a bit of the art of food-plating, applying my love for art and creation.
When I went vegan in 2016, I started learning something about nutrition, consulting professionist, researching, and reading about this important topic.
With sensationalised articles emerging daily about the benefits or dangers of specific foods/diet, people get confused and lose sight of the simple messages: fruit and vegetables are good for you as are wholegrain cereals and nuts. For fats, which you need, choose unsaturated fats such as olive oil. Stay away from excess white-flour products, sugar, salt, alcohol, processed food (yes, vegan junk food included), and trans fats such as vegetable oils and palm oils found in fast foods.
If you’re not use to cook, at this point you might think: what is left to eat? A LOT! As you find out in the list below. Reserve some time to cook your meal: you can listen to a podcast or have phone calls while cooking. The more you get used to cooking, the faster you become, obvs.
In general, to prepare your meal: always mix grains with beans + add some veggie (raw or cooked). You can add extra protein to your mix, adding tofu and similar, or fats, adding nuts and seeds.
N O T E You can eat the same mix as a soup as well: prepare a broth with water boiling, black pepper, onion, celery, carrots, miso powder or soy sauce.
Whole rice
Whole pasta
Whole corn bread
Sweet potatoes
Kidney beans
Azuki beans
Edamame (soy beans)
Feto (fermented tofu)
Oat based burger
Vegan Sausage
Hemp milk
Tiger nut
N O T E Same applies to yogurt
Soy margarine
Plants oil margarine (sun flower, etc…)
Cashew cheese
Dried tomatoes
Salads leaves
Dattels and dry fruits (you can prepare raw energy and protein bars)
Nuts (same as above)
Pickles and coleslaw (fermented!) on bread
Avocado toast (smashed the avocado)
Peanut butter on bread
VEGGIE black kale, all sort of cabbages, aubergine, spinach, broccoli, Bruxelles sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, pumpkin with the skin, carrots, paprika, zucchini, tomatoes, redbeet, celery, sweet potatoes etc…
Try new things: list here
N O T E Wash your veggies but don't peel them: most of the nutrients are in their outer skin. The chemicals used to grow veggies are either washable or absorbed by the veggies (therefore it’s pointless to peel them).
FRUIT berries, orange, bananas, apple, dattels, etc….
Try new things: list here
N O T E To be added on salad or before serving a meal. Don't cook them.
Oatmeal recipe: in a pan with 150ml water put oat, nuts, grated coconut, chia seeds, blueberry, cranberry, cinnamon powder, dates, bring to boil till you have a creamy texture. Similar recipe here
Plant-based milk
Dried fruits and seeds
Vegan yogurt (soy, almond, coconut)
Fresh press juices
Avocado toast
Coffee and Plant-based milk (hemp, coconut, soy, cashew, tiger nut, peanut, rice, hazelnut etc)
Dark chocolate from 85-99%
Vegan energy balls (usually with dates, nuts, banana, coconut)
Homemade vegan pancake
Protein bars
Banana bread
Herbal teas
Kombucha (fermented tea)
Water with ginger and lemon/ lime
Protein or vitamin smoothie
N O T E Drink still water: at least 1,5lt/day; 1glass as soon as you wake up because the human body gets dehydrated during the sleeping hours.
Try out what you like: paprika, provence herbs, curry etc
Little soy sauce (it's salt!)
Add a bit of fresh oil before serving. You can cook oil-free: just add a bit of water (and soy sauce if you like) and let stir-fry.
sugar, salt, vegan processed food (vegan sausages, no-eggs omelet, sweet treats), white flour in pasta/rice/cereals/bread
Need 1week-1month to get used to the real flavors. Be patience.
gluten products
alcohol (max 1glass wine or 1cocktail when you decide to go for alcohol to give time to the liver to detox)
Suggestion for restaurant/junk food
Order: ramen, pho, sushi, vegan burger, stuffed potatoes, focaccia, vegan pancake, vegan bakery, poke Hawaiian bowls
If you’re healthy and don’t suffer from a particular condition, try some sweaty activity to eliminate toxins and some cardio workout to keep the heart used to rate changing. Seek the advice of a professionist (doctors and trainers) if needed.
If you are a professional athlete or someone who is used to workout a lot and decide to adopt a plant-based diet after years of crappy or heavy meaty diet, give time to your body to adjust and ask the support of a vegan nutritionist who will help to keep your regular calories/micro-macro nutrients intakes. You can be omnivorous, carnivoros or vegan and still have a pretty shitty diet! So research, seek help, experiment!
Keep stress at bay with some time offline, withdrawing, resting, good sleeping, meditating etc.
menu sample 1
80-120 gr Lentils (boiled in hot water)
1 bell-peppers (stir-fried with a bit of oil and laurel leaves, cook 10 min)
80gr plain tofu (add it at the pan with the bell-pepper the last 2 minutes to give flavor)
menu sample 2
2 sweet potatoes (cut them in half and cook in oven 200C for 15 min, they need to be soft) adding paprika powder, 50gr chick-peas (from the can, remove water, room temperature), rosemary and olive oil
Mixed green salad (dressing with lemon and seeds like hemp seed, flaxseed and bread croutons).
menu sample 3
Roasted bell peppers with capers, garlic and olive oil - recipe here
Whole-grain bread
Fruit salad
Avocado hummus - recipe here
Tempeh bacon - recipe here
Vegan chili tacos - recipe here
Feijoada salad - recipe here
Sweet potatoes and avocado salad - recipe here
Smoked tofu with mushroom - recipe here
Pasta broccoli and salad - recipe here
Polenta with mushroom - recipe here
Spicy lentils and beans soup - recipe here. Serve with whole-grain bread croutons
Mediterranean tofu - recipe here. Serve with croutons with peas cream - recipe here
Mashed potatoes - recipe here
Pancotto bread soup - recipe here
Spinach and avocado salad - recipe here
Radicchio soup - recipe here
Vegan burger (buy it prepared, just fry it few mins in small oil). Serve with boiled spelt
Pumpkin soup (replace butter with oil or margarine) - recipe here
Almond vegan chicken - recipe here. Serve with boiled rice
Roasted pumpkin (squash) - recipe here
Green beans and tomatoes salad - recipe here. Serve with boiled rice
Edamame (soy bean) stew - recipe here . Serve with boiled quinoa
Asparagus pasta - recipe here
Smoked tofu (buy it prepared, just fry it few mins in small oil)
Caesar Salad with grilled tempeh - recipe here
Quick red lentils curry - recipe here. Add chickpeas.
Power bowl - recipe here
Thai tofu soup - recipe here. Serve with brown rice or other grain
Peanut butter tofu with snow peas on noodles - recipe here
Chipotle Chili with Textured Vegetable Protein - recipe here
Asian tofu, brown rice and bok choy - recipe here
From the Italian Traditions
Whole-grain Pasta Bolognese (use granulated soy and lentils in the tomato sauce)
Vegan salatini (use pasta fillo, cut into small pieces and wrap a piece of vegan wurstel inside, bake 10-15 min at 200C)
Lasagne al forno (use soy sauce for besciamella adding salt-pepper, granulated soy/tempeh/peas as filling and on the top layer put vegan “filante” cheese and bread crumbs and sesame seeds)
Farinata - recipe here
Caponata - recipe here